Saturday, February 9, 2013

Flying Photo School Comes To An End-Weeks 3 &4

Last week I finished my on-line photography class.

Week 3 was all about Aperture. I had heard and read a lot about Aperture, but I never really understood it.  After week 3 I had a much better grasp and I'm definitely able to adjust my camera accordingly. Aperture deals with light and depth of field. It's how people get the blurred backgrounds in their photos or bokeh. The lower the Aperture the shorter the depth of field and the more blurry the background (to put it simply). Week 3 also helped explain the different numbers on the lenses and why some lenses are more expensive than others. Our assignment for the week was to submit a picture in Aperture Priority Mode. 

This is the picture I submitted:
I like the brightness of the ball and I thought I did a pretty good job on my bokeh. I also thought I had my WB adjusted well since you can see GG's carrot lovin' nose!

Week 4 talked more about manual mode and different camera accessories and what you may "need" vs. what's nice to have. 

Overall I think the class was helpful. I certainly learned way more in 4 weeks than I did the whole time I've had my camera. The "classes" were very manageable for a busy mama, everything was explained very well and you can't beat the flexibility of going to school in your jammies. I liked the mix of videos and handouts and I really enjoyed seeing my classmates assignments and what our instructor had to say about them. I paid for my class with a Groupon so it was VERY reasonable. The downside is the lack of an actual classroom. It was a little frustrating that I could only submit one photo each week. It would have been nice to share a few and get feedback on why one was better than the other and hear what adjustments I could have made. I also feel that Week 4 was not very informative, I wanted more information about picture taking, not what to buy (again, my personal opinion). Another frustration is that the classes fill up super quick. The level 2 class I would need isn't available until June! I feel like I'm on a roll and I don't want to wait 4 months for my next class!

So would I recommend Flying Photo School? ABSOLUTELY! I think it's a great way to learn more about how to use your SLR camera, especially if you have NO idea how to use it (like I did!). I also think you need to be willing to practice, practice, practice (that's true with everything right?!?!). I don't think I practiced nearly as much as I should have. Sure I've taken lots of pictures these past few months, but most of them were "in the moment" shots. I really needed to take more pictures when the picture itself wasn't that important so when the important shots come up I'm ready!

If you want to try Flying Photo School you're in luck! I did a quick search and "for a limited time" you can get a Groupon for 68% off the regular class price. I picked up one for myself-you can't beat the price! I'm thinking of taking the Creative Composition Class in May. Click {HERE} for more information. 

Thanks for being with me on my photo journey! If you sign up for a class let me know! I'd love to hear about what classes you take and what you thought of them! 

Happy shotin'

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