Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Looking Forward to 2013

HAPPY 2013!!!
I find it a little hard to believe that 2013 has already arrived. The past 6 months since GG's arrival have blown by so fast that at times I find it hard to catch my breath! Summer, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are all such a blur and I'm hoping to catch you all up on the past few weeks of Murray Family Fun we've been having! Thank you to everyone for being so patient and supportive while I've attempted adjust to our schedules. I love blogging and I know I've put it to the bottom of my to-do list lately, but I'm moving it on up and making it a priority!

So what's can you expect with 2013???
  • More pics of the kids and what we've been up to! 
  • Furniture refurbishes! I've got a few unfinished pieces that have been sitting here for months that are begging for a new coat of paint!
  • A marathon in April! Yep, I finally did it. I signed up for the Carmel Marathon on April 20th. Training has already started (despite the ridiculously low temps here in Indy) and I'll be sharing my journey to 26.2!
  • Photo school! I bought a Groupon for an online school, Flying Photo School, and my classes start next week. I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm hoping to be able to take my Big Girl camera off "auto" and learn about all the other features that baffle me!
  • Recipes! I have a few new cookbooks full of recipes I can't wait to try and share! We've been in a mealtime rut around here so we are all ready for a fresh menu!
  • Sewing and crafting! It's finally time to try all the projects I've been dreaming of starting while feeding and holding GG. I'm hoping to try more "boy" projects this year!

Again, thank you for all your support and kind words! It means so much to me and I am so grateful that so many of you check in to see what we're up to!

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