
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Yellow Room Is (FINALLY) Finished!!!!

It kinda makes me cringe when I realize that I started this process over 2 1/2 months ago. My poor daughter slept on the floor for most of the redo so that I could work on her new room while she slept (I don't think that happened even once!). She was such a trooper and didn't complain once. We are both super excited with how the room turned out. It's the first time I've done a room that was completely bare to start and it was F-U-N, fun! Today you get to see the whole room and in the next few days I'll be breaking down the room by project and let you know what I did for each piece of furniture and wall.

Here is what the room looked like before we started...
...and here's how it looks today...

(Oops...forgot to move my phone...)

Oh my! Isn't she purdy?!?!? Can you see why I'm in L-O-V-E love?!?!

For a more detailed breakdown check out the links below:

Yellow Room Breakdown Day 1-The Inspiration
Yellow Room Breakdown Day 2-The Green Dresser
Yellow Room Breakdown Day 3-Curtains
Yellow Room Breakdown Day 4-Shelving
Yellow Room Breakdown Day 5-Dresser #2
Yellow Room Breakdown Day 6-Desk, Chair and Art Wall


  1. That turned out gorgeous! I love it. I especially love the frame wall, and the fact that you added the clips to make it functional. What a great idea. I also love that you used lots of color, and that blue dresser is fantastic! Jumping over from the git 'er done party. Well done!

  2. I'm stopping by from I Am Momma. I posted a girl's room with yellow walls there, too! I love the colors of your dressers here, and LOVE the idea of the empty frames and clips inside! So cute!

    1. I am over from I Am Momma too and I have to agree of your love of the color of the dressers. It feels like such a great room to imagine, play, and grow.

  3. Great job! It must feel so good to have it done. I really like the empty frames with the clips in them. So fun! Thanks for sharing and joining the party!


  4. I love all these colors. What a fun idea. I'm gonna be re-doing my daughter's room soon and I'm trying to get idea's, thanks for sharing.

  5. So cute - love the combo of different color furniture pieces!

    We are running a Before and After Link party to support Habitat for Humanity, with a chance to be featured on other big blogs and win gift cards. Would love if you entered!

    1. Thanks for the info! I've added my link and LOVED looking at all the other submissions!

  6. Thanks so much for linking up. Feel free to grab a button and share with your readers! :)
