
Monday, March 12, 2012

Make Over Your Monday

Good morning! How are you feeling today? Honestly, today was a much harder wake-up day for me compared to yesterday. I have a feeling it's going take me a few days to get used to the new time change. 

We had a fab-u-lous weekend. I FINALLY finished the yellow room!!! Such a huge weight off my shoulders. Check in tomorrow for the big reveal. I have to say, I am super impressed with myself. It came out better than I imagined. I kinda want to move in there myself! The girls also enjoyed some wonderful weather. They spent 6 hours outside yesterday!!! It was heaven for the hubby and I. They played so well together and had a blast. We are now the parents of two adorable cherry tomatoes as it didn't occur to either of us to put sunscreen on their pale little winter faces! 

How did you do on last week's challenge? I think I've got my garden layout all set. I'm making a few changes from last years choices and I'm going to try a few new plants. I CANNOT wait to have fresh veggies from the garden!!

This week's challenge is to do something that you've been putting off. I'm sure most of us have at least one or two things that fall into this category. This is the week to get it done!

Have a wonderful week and don't forget to check back in tomorrow for the "Yellow Room Reveal"

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