
Friday, March 16, 2012

The Yellow Room Breakdown Day 3-Curtains

Today we're talking curtains. My battle with the curtains is proof that pregnant women should not attempt to decorate. I literally changed them 5 times!!! Every time I thought I had what I wanted I'd decided that I hated them and couldn't stand to look at them one more day. I should have taken pictures of each change. I'm sure each decision highlighted my mood for that particular day. Three separate trips to Jo-ann Fabrics, 1 on-line fabric order and 2 trips to Meijer later and I end up modifying the curtains Noa already had in her room. Seriously, out of everything in the room this was the hardest area for my pregnant brain! I love them now and they will stay exactly as they are!

Once I finally decided to repurpose the "old" curtains the transformation took little time. The original curtains were 84 inches long. I felt that the floor length made them feel heavy. There was just too much fabric so I decided to shorten them. I knew the top of the curtains would be hidden by the cornice. I trimmed the excess fabric from the top so that I could keep the original hem. Super easy, no sewing involved! 

The window faces the west making the room VERY sunny and warm hot in the afternoon.  The thinness of the light pink curtains would not block enough of the sunlight to make the room cooler. Not a problem. We had blackout curtains in Noa's old room and so I just used those. I used Heat n' Bond hemming strips to attach the pink curtains to the blackout panels. Again, no sewing needed just an iron. I wrapped the pink curtains around and attached them on the back giving them the look of being lined.
The easy cornices are one of my favorite projects. You can get the full tutorial {HERE}. I love how they look and no one will ever guess that they are made out of foam boards. The old room had 2 windows so I had two extra panels. I used one to wrap around the cornice. I kept going back and forth (and back and forth...and back and forth) about whether to use different fabric for the cornice. I actually wrapped them three different times before settling on the light pink. I like the cleanness that they provide. They make a statement without being to distracting. I had these adorable butterflies that were hanging from Noa's ceiling in her old room. Their colors and polka dots match the decor perfectly! I just cut the strings and pinned them to the cornice. I love them!
The tie-backs were purchased from Wal-mart for $7. I love that they have a distressed look. They tie into the room perfectly.
The pink chair was our biggest splurge and I am so glad we had room for it! It also came from Meijer and was $30. She loves sitting by the window and reading to her dolls. I had the small side table on hand and the top was painted to match. I plan to make a tulle skirt for it, but that will have to wait for now. It's the perfect size for her little books.

So silly that that area caused me so much stress and headaches, but if that's what it took for me to get to the final result than it was all worth it because I love how everything turned out!

Have a wonderful Friday and thank you so much for checking in. We'll be back with more of the breakdown next week. This weekend is supposed to be Be-u-t-ful here in Indy and I'm looking forward to lots of outdoor time with the family!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, I'm going to try this out!!I can't believe you did all this while you were pregnant, talk about nesting :)
