
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sisters, Sunshine and Super Deals

We have been having some unbelievably good weather this weekend! We went straight from winter clothes to shorts, tanks and sun screen. The girls are LOVING it and so are the hubby and I. We got so much done this weekend it was unreal! The girls seem to get along best when they are not confined to the four walls of our house. They even were excited to do some extra chores for their Bitty Jars. While the hubby kept them busy outside, I worked on weeding through the old toys and clothes which is always so much easier when their isn't someone hanging over your shoulder protesting. I even found time to do a little local shopping and got some A-MAZ-ING deals for our backyard. This weekend was a big 8 thumbs-up from the Murray crew!

Lo's biggest accomplishment was teaching herself to hula-hoop. She is SO very proud of herself and I am proud of her determination. She refused to give up!

My little monkey is happy that she can finally reach the bars on her own this year. Monkeys like to swing ya know!

My favorite thing is that BOTH girls know how to pump on the swings!!! Daddy taught Lo and she passed on the favor and taught her sister (Mainly because she was tired of having to push her). Now everyone can go outside and have fun! There are a lot less tears now!!!
Mommy was even nice enough to open the sandbox. It happens to be the girls favorite outdoor toy (and Mommy's least favorite). They can sit in there for hours.
We even found time for a late-night family game of Corn Hole.
Lo wanted to take a few of her own pictures. She told us what to do and took the picture herself.
Such a fun weekend...and now for my fab-u-lous deals!!!!

Our patio furniture was getting pretty beat up. The chairs were disgusting. They were faded, dirty and ripped, but new covers are so ridiculously expensive that there was no way we were going to be able to replace them. I happened to be searching Craigslist on my phone early Saturday morning and happened upon not only the best deal ever BUT the person selling was right down the street! SCORE! I quickly emailed her only to find I was second in line. I was so disappointed. I think my desperate pleas swayed her because she emailed me and told me they were mine. I did a little happy dance!!! Let me introduce you to my 4 new chairs, umbrella and stand purchased for $50 for the set!!! The chairs alone are usually $50-$60 each. I love them! No pads to worry about and they give the patio a nice pop of color.
I didn't stop there! I found this fabulous deal on a local site. 
I've been wanting a fire pit for a long time, but it was never in our budget. We picked up this beauty for $25. It's a little rusty and one of the tiles needs to be replaced, but I see lots of fun nights by the fire making s'mores ahead of us!

I hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend. We'll have more of the Yellow Room Breakdown later this week.

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