
Monday, March 19, 2012

Make Over Your Monday

Happy Monday! I don't know about you but I am so sad to see the weekend go! We had such wonderful time.

How did you do on last week's challenge? Were you able to get a few things done that you had been putting off? I crossed off so many things. I'm so proud of myself. I was definitely in organization mode. My crafty desk is in order, I went through all the newborn clothes and our backyard patio is usable. It feels good to have them checked off my to-do list!

This week's challenge is to send a card (not an email, tweet or Facebook message) to a friend letting them know how much you value them. We all have that special person in our life that makes our day brighter. It's important to let them know how much they mean to you!

Have a great week! Don't forget to check back in tomorrow for part 4 of the breakdown of the Yellow Room.

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