
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pom-Pom Tutorial

As you know, last weekend Lo ran her very first race. We thought Noa was a little to young to participate in the running. Since we didn't want her to be left out, we crowned her the official race cheerleader. No cheerleader is complete without her own set of pom-poms. Not to worry! This Mama had a plan!

This was somewhat of a throwback project. I remember making these in Jr High and High School for various cheerleading camps and tryouts. They are super easy to make and as a bonus you can make them while watching TV and drinking wine...everyone wins!

Here's what you need:

  • tissue paper (I used three packages for the set. Each package had 9 sheets and cost me 97 cents at Walmart)
  • masking tape
  • scissors
  • pencil and ruler (optional)

First you need to open the tissue paper, divide it equally into two piles and lay the pieces on top of each other. You will need to decide which way you want to cut your pieces, down the long or short side of the paper. I like to cut along the long side because it makes nice fluffy pom-poms. Using your ruler and pencil make a line about 2 inches from the center crease on both sides. This will be the handle.

Using your ruler make cutting lines from the edge of the paper up to the line you just drew. My lines are the same width as my ruler-this just makes it super easy to measure.
Repeat on the other side of the paper.

Using your scissors, carefully cut along each line making sure to cut through all the sheets. Try your best to keep your stack in place.
Repeat on the other side.

Starting on one end of the paper, carefully roll up the paper as tightly as you can. Try not to let any of the cut strips get caught in the handle.

Secure the handle with your masking tape.

And now for the fun part! Gently separate the strips and crinkle them up. You want to make sure you don't have any strips sticking together. See how great they look after this step?!?!?
Repeat on the other side.

Follow the same steps for the other pom-pom. Once both are complete I like to throw them both in the dry on the lowest setting. It just gets them even fluffier!

See? Super easy! You can have lots of fun mixing different color combinations. I made these myself, but I definitely think Lo could make them with a little assistance...a perfect rainy day activity!

Thanks for checking in and happy cheering!!!


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