
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Change Is Coming Our Way...

For the past 270 days I have been blogging daily and sharing my crafty, cooking and family with all of you. EVERYONE has been amazingly supportive and I have heard nothing but praise and kind words. ALL of you have been truly wonderful.

As you know we are often "hanging on by a thread" around here, but lately it seems that we are barely hanging on. After much thought I've decided to make a little change. Now please don't freak out! Last week Facebook changed their format and it seemed like the whole world was coming to an end. I know no one likes change, but sometimes change can be good.

So what are the changes you may ask. Just one. I have decided that I will not be blogging daily. Don't worry there will still be lots of crafty, cooking and family, just not every day. It really won't be much different but I know there are so many of you wonderful people that check in everyday and I always get so sad when my favorite blogs seem to dwindle away. I didn't want you to worry...we will not be dwindling!

Again, thank you so much for all your support! I have the best readers ever!!! You all are truly A-MAZ-ING!

Have a wonderful Wednesday and don't forget this week's challenge and giveaway! There is still plenty of time to enter!


  1. WHAT?? How could you do this?? Just kidding girlie! My Humpty Dumpty blog has been terribly neglected but life is busy and so now it is only a once or twice a week thing. I can totally relate to the barely hanging on comment!! Have a great day!

  2. I don't know how you blogged daily for as long as you did. I will miss your daily posts but I completely understand! :)
