
Monday, September 26, 2011

Make Over Your Monday-Take 2 (and a lil' giveaway)

Happy Monday everyone! We had a wet and rainy weekend, perfect for staying in your jammies all day while you sew and craft. Next week is spirit week at Lo's school. There's a different theme for each day and she's had me busy crafting her daily wardrobe. We'll do a big reveal at the end of the week. I really restrained myself and let her pick her outfit each...the results could be very interesting.

Last week's challenge was to make something fall-ish AND email a picture to me so I can share it with everyone. Did you make something? Did you forget the emailing me a picture part???

I'm extending the challenge another week and I'm sweetening the deal. Everyone who emails me ( a picture by midnight on Saturday October 1st will be entered to win a $20 Jo-Ann Fabrics gift certificate. All names will go in a bowl and drawn by one of our resident princesses on Sunday. The winner will be announced and all emailed projects will be posted on Monday morning.

All right so get crafting!!! Any project is eligible! Craft with the kids, make some fall cookies or cakes. The goal here is that we have a variety of projects to inspire and share.

Have a wonderful week and for goodness sake GO GET YOUR CRAFTY ON!!!


  1. Are we allowed to enter more than once?

  2. Sure why not! Your names goes in for each picture you send me!
