
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"Love" Vase Tutorial

Well HELL-O gorgeous!

I am totally and completely smitten with my new "love" vase!

The inspiration came from Pure and Noble and I can't wait to make more!

They are completely & totally addictive!


  • Empty vase, wine bottle or jar
  • Spray paint - I used an off-white paint with a satin finish
  • hot glue or puffy paint 

Using a sharpie, draw your design or word. Don't worry if you mess up, you will cover your mistakes with the spray paint. As you can tell, it took me several attempts to get "love" just right.
Pure and Noble used a hot-glue gun to make their designs. I tried it and was EXTREMELY unsuccessful. The letters were all uneven and I was not happy with how it turned out. I decided to try puffy fabric paint. It was much easier to control the amount and if I messed up (which I did several times) all I had to do was wipe off the paint and start over.

I found this bottle at Meijer for $3.
The color doesn't matter (and you don't need the glitter kind), you just want to make sure that it dries puffy and not flat.

I was much happier with the results compared to the hot glue.
After a few coats of spray paint I was more than pleased with the results. It is much better to do several light coats rather than 1 or 2 heavy ones. The lighter coats will help you avoid any drips or "blobs" on the bottle.
I filled the vase with a few branches from our yard and it looks amazing on our entryway table.
...Do you like the Clothespin Photo Frame? Check out the tutorial {HERE}
I can't wait to try different words and designs! I have a feeling one or two will end up in the Etsy shop (If I ever find the time to get it up and running!)

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