
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tangled No More!

This is all I have left of Lo's long locks...
For about a month she has been asking me to let her cut her hair. I've been avoiding the topic as much as possible. Not because I'm against short hair, I'm against my baby growing up.

Yesterday I gave in...mainly because I was afraid she'd take matters into her own hands...

Here she is before the magic of the scissors. Please note the tangledness...this was AFTER brushing her hair and one of the main reasons that Lo wanted to get rid of her Rapunzel hair. I will NOT be missing our daily battles over snarled hair!

And then it was time for the first cut...

She was so proud of her bravery!
After the ponytail cut she exclaimed, "Well, that was easy!" She was surprised that there was still a little more cutting to do.

Again...I don't like how grown-up she is!
And now for the big reveal...
Have I mentioned how I don't like that my baby is growing up!!!

Our tradition after haircuts is to go to the yummiest Mexican restaurant in Broadripple...La Piedad (If you are in Indy and have not eaten there-SHAME ON YOU!).

The best Mommy-Daughter Day EVER!

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