
Friday, February 4, 2011

Ice, Ice Baby-Day 2

Our second day of being "iced" in started out much like the first...

Our poor little gnome again...up to his little hat in ice!

Instead of jammies it was "pick your own outfit day"
(Blue shoes have gone was quite the catastrophe this morning!)

Our day was a very "crafty" one. We colored these great Hidden Pictures posters I found at Michael's. They were only $3 for the set of 20! The girls love them!

Please note the costume change...she wore about 50 different wonder I do about a billion loads of laundry!

The day before the girls had requested their own "Olivia Owl" so today I told them they could design their own. The fabric selection process was rather lengthy!

I'm very grateful that it is a quick project...after about 50 million rounds of "are they done yet?!?!?" everyone finally had their owl.

We were so excited for our new dolls we had to get up and dance...and of course Lo sang more Taylor Swift...

We ended our day with manicures...complete with sparkly nail-polish...
Lo took this picture...she did such a great job!

I asked Lo to make a sad face to show how we felt about having to go to school and work tomorrow...this is how it came out...

Apparently I am fun but she REALLY misses her friends! 

We had so much fun these past few's so nice to have time where we don't have to be anywhere or have to do anything...we could do whatever we felt like doing...and we did...

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