
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ice, Ice Baby-Day 1

For the past two days we've been living in our very own snow-cone...and I'm not sure when we'll get to come out!

This is our poor little garden gnome up to his neck in ice!!!

Don't worry! I was prepared...these are my "storm supplies"

Daycare and work were both canceled so that means we got an "ICE DAY" and we couldn't have been more excited. Days are just so much more fun when you get an impromptu day off don't you think?

We started of by declaring it a JAMMIE DAY!!!
Please note the blue shoes...they are her absolute fav and you won't find her in the house without them!

The fun started off with a dance party.

Lo serenaded us with "Never Grow Up" by her absolute favorite singer Taylor Swift.

NoJo was next with a super fast dance.

They then took a short break to give Ki-Ki a belly rub (She was more than happy to oblige).

We spent quite a bit of time taking pictures of ourselves!!! This is our best one.

All that fun made us hungry so we snacked on homemade soft pretzels (recipe to come later this week) and hot coco.

Day 1 of our "Ice Day" also included naps for EVERYONE (YIPPEE!!!) and  cuddling on the couch watching movies


  1. Next time we get an ice day I'm sending little Nate your way! No naps for us at all this week!!

  2. I LOVE these pics! You certainly DID have fun on your "ice" days!!

  3. Seriously cute Murray girls...mommy included. As I looked through them, I could not help but think how you will love these pics even more in five, ten, and twenty years from captured it, perfectly.

  4. This is my favorite blog post by far!! Wish I was there to join in on the fun, but am glad you got a special day w/the girls that you'll always remember too!
