
Monday, January 14, 2013

The Long Run Diaries - Week 4

I'm well into week 4 of my marathon training and so far it's going pretty well. I'm feeling strong and I can feel myself getting faster. Sundays are my "long run" days. Yesterday was an 11 mile run and I was so happy with how I felt after. For the first time since I started my journey to 26.2 I felt "I CAN DO THIS!" Such a wonderful feeling!

As I mentioned before, I'm working on finding the right balance of food and nutrition. It's all really trial and error and just finding what's right for you and your body. Normally I would roll out of bed, throw on my running gear and head out the door. Yesterday I gave myself and full two hours to get ready. I ate a small breakfast and gave myself plenty of time to use the restroom (very important on long run days). Another change I made was my fuel while on my run. Normally I wouldn't bring anything, but I decided to follow some advice from some of the training books and I brought 2 GUs. I really think they made a HUGE difference on my performance and I'm going to continue replenishing my energy more frequently and hope it'll help me avoid hitting "The Wall," giving me more enjoyable runs. 

I do need to work on my recovery meals and hydration. Despite my great run, I felt pretty crappy and exhausted the rest of the day, especially after dinner. My stomach was in knots and I could barely keep my eyes open. I'm sure the glass of wine and ooey gooey mac n' cheese I had for dinner did not help things! There's always room for improvement!

A total of 24 miles for me last week and feeling good! Have a great Monday!

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