
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Flying Photo School-Week 1

I finished week 1 of my classes at Flying Photo School and so far I really like it! I wasn't really sure what to expect or how long it would take to watch the week's videos but I got everything done in one morning in about an hour and a half. Lucky for me GG was in a good mood and happy to play in his exersaucer while mommy went to "school."

The class I'm taking is Digital 101. It's for people like me who constantly use their big girl camera on the auto setting and have no idea how to use the other settings. My goal is to learn about a few of the other settings, take better pictures and understand what's wrong with my no-so-great photos.

Week 1's topics included:
  • How to properly hold your camera
  • Changing the lenses
  • Focusing and Manuel Focus
  • White Balance
  • ISO
Most of the course work was videos, but there were a few work sheets to read and a quiz at the end.

Yay me!

Each week we have an assignment. We submit one picture to our instructor and then we'll receive feed back on our submission.

In this week's assignment we were supposed to put our camera in "Program" mode and adjust the White Balance and ISO accordingly.

This is the picture I submitted:
ISO 200, WB "cloudy"
I like the blurred background and Noa's coloring.

When you compare it to this one, taken with different settings, you can see how the coloring is a little different. My pale little NoJo has a greener tone (which isn't helped by the dress she picked out today). 
ISO 200, WB "shade"
I'm excited to start next week's class and hear the feedback from my professor. Already after one week it's totally worth the money! No more "auto" mode for me!

Have a great Sunday,

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