
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Who's Shoes...Saving My Sanity

It's hard to believe, but summer is just around the corner. Can you feel it??? I can't believe that my oldest only has less than two months left of school. With summer break comes all kinds of fun. Swimming, family vacations, trips to the zoo, beach, parks, museums and all sorts of places CROWDED with families and children. I'll admit, when it comes to busy packed places I become a paranoid mama. Most days I prefer the safety of my own backyard to the crowded chaos of the local park. I drive myself into a panic trying to keep track of the girls and it's near impossible to watch both of them completely since they usually split up (I'm convinced it's a tactic to drive their mama crazy!).  Don't even get me started on amusement parks! I'm convinced that every individual is a predator just waiting to snatch up my child as soon as my gaze is averted or that my child will wonder into the abyss...see I told you I was crazy overly concerned. 

A few years ago when we were taking our first trip to Disney World a friend told me about Who's Shoes ID. They are child ID tags that velcro onto their shoes. They come in bright pink or blue and can hold a wealth of information: 3 phone numbers, allergies and medical information, pediatrician's name and number and both parents names. They are easy to use and can attach to practically any shoe. I really like that the tag is visible, but your information is hidden until needed. They really eased my nervousness at our trip to Disneyland last week. My oldest liked having it too. I may have passed a little of my paranoia onto her and she gets scared if she can't see me (not a bad thing). She's still in the process of learning all our phone numbers and I'm not confident that under pressure she would remember them. I explained the tag to her and told her what to do if she got separated from us. She knew to find a cast member and show them the tag. 

The tags are $7.99 for a set of two and are more than worth the money. As an added bonus each pair comes with an ID card which can be extremely helpful if your child becomes missing.  They are not only great for kids, but are great for runners too and the price is much more reasonable than some of the fancy ID tags out there marketed to athletes. 

For ordering information click {HERE} 

Have a fab-u-lous day and thanks for checking in!

All opinions are 100% mine. Who's Shoe ID did not ask me to rate or discuss their product. They have no idea who I am. I just think they have a great product and I wanted to share!

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