
Friday, April 13, 2012

The Hubby And His Lawn

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Scotts® for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Before we moved to Indy 6 years ago and had no idea how obsessed the hubby would become with our lawn. It became his baby. He was determined to have the greenest grass on the block. Sometimes I would hear his car pull into our driveway, but he wouldn't come into the house. I would find him, still in his suit and work shoes, grooming the lawn, pulling out weeks and trimming around the bricks. In his home office there was a beautifully displayed chart courtesy of Scotts® letting him know which fertilizer to use and when. He made sure our lawn was pristine and there was not a weed to be found. That was then...As it often does, life got in the way and the lawn took a back seat to family commitments and LOTS of work travel. Slowly our lawn took the toll and the weeks and "unpretty" grass took over. That is until now, now we're takin' back the lawn!

That's why I was so excited to hear about Scotts® newest product, the Scotts® Snap® Spreader System. It's the prefect way for me to take part in "operation take back the lawn!" It's perfect for someone like me who isn't a big fan of yard work. The bag literally snaps into the spreader, no need for cutting the bag open, measuring or pouring which means no mess. You know how mamas love anything mess-free! It also has a super fancy edge guard that prevents the fertilizer from getting on the sidewalk or into my beautiful garden. When you're done you just unsnap the system and store it until you need to use it again. No open bags in my garage where little hands can get into them. LOVE IT!
Need some more encouragement? Check it out!
Make sure you also check out Snap perks on Facebook. You'll be able to keep up with all the new Scotts® products, promotions and contests. 

Summer is just around the corner! Now's the time to get your lawn in order! Happy fertilizing!


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