
Monday, April 16, 2012

Make Over Your Monday

Happy Monday everyone! Did you have a good week? Our week was again full of organizing and rearranging. The hubby was VERY patient with his pregnant wife who on a whim pretty much took all the furniture from upstairs and wanted it downstairs and then wanted all the downstairs furniture upstairs! I didn't hear him complain once as he lugged heavy dressers up and down our stairs, though I'm sure he thought I lost my mind! Noa even helped me swap out closest and organize the baby's room. I'm really starting to feel the need to have everything organized before the baby arrives!

How did you do on last week's challenge? The Indy weather played a trick on us here-Noa and I were all set to weed and plant on Wednesday and then the weather turned cold and rainy. No planting for us this week, but the hubby and the girls did lots of weeding this weekend while I rested. I feel like the only thing that I grow well in my yard is weeds!!! I'm hoping for some better weather this week so that we can put some prettiness on our porch.

This week's challenge is to try something new. Maybe you want to try a new form of exercise or perhaps a new crafting technique. Have you always wanted to learn how to play an instrument? Now's the time. Or maybe this year you want to plant your own vegetable garden-Go for it! 

Have a great weekend! I can't wait to hear about all the new things you encounter!

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