
Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Few Words About Social Spark

I've been asked by a few people about my posts for Social Spark. I figured if a few of you were curious then there were probably more of you with questions too.

I first heard about Social Spark about a year ago from on of my favorite blogs I Am Momma Hear Me Roar. Basically you apply to have your blog be eligible to write reviews for Social Spark advertisers. There are a few qualifications you have to fill, mainly about how often you blog, and you have to allow Google Analytics (This just gives better stats on how many people visit your blog). If you are approved you can start receiving offers to write paid posts. As the blogger you set your price for your posts and you can either accept or reject offers. I have to admit, blogging takes up way more time than I ever expected, even for a small blog like mine. I have no idea how some of the bigger bloggers find the time to blog and live their lives! I LOVE blogging, but it's always nice to get compensated for your time.

Even though I was approved it didn't guarantee that I would be given any offers or that the advertisers would select me even if I accepted the offer. In fact it took FOREVER for the first ones to come in and it wasn't until recently that I actually accepted offers that were given to me. At the beginning, I would get the weirdest offers about medical equipment, Amber Alerts for your pets and lots about weight loss-Nothing that I'd actually blog about. I had decided when I signed up that I would only review products that I truly supported. 

To sum it up:
  • Yes I get paid for my Social Spark posts. Not very much, but enough to support my crafty and Goodwill addictions.
  • You will ALWAYS know when a post is sponsored by Social Spark. It will be clear at the beginning of the post.
  • I can assure you that any paid post will be about products that I truly endorse and all opinions will be 100% mine. 
  • All posts are in my own words. Each advertiser has its own requirements (links, pictures, videos), but I will never write something that I don't truly believe. 
If you think Social Spark might be something you're interested in click {HERE} to apply. There is no cost to be a publisher and I think it's a great way for bloggers to earn a little extra cash doing something they love!

1 comment:

  1. great post I am also earning at social spark, hope you could visit mine too
