
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Lo Turns (sniff, sniff) 6!

It seems like it wasn't that long ago that I was weeping over my baby turning 5 and here it is a year later and she's 6. I know everyone says that kids grow up so fast, but it's completely and totally true. I keep making her pinkie swear that she won't get any older, but no matter what I do I can't stop it from happening! Last year I wrote about my top 5 things I love about Lo, this year I'm sharing the top 6 things Lo loves.

1. Dresses

I can honestly say that she has not willingly put on a pair of pants or shorts in three years.

2. Bugs

She LOVES going in our yard and collecting bugs. She makes them nice homes in jars and buckets, gives them names and talks to them in her "sweet mommy voice." Please don't squish a bug in front of her, you'll get in trouble for disturbing nature.

3. Candy, dessert and sweets

I know most kids like their sweets, but Lo takes it on like it's an Olympic sport. She's been known to park herself in front of a chocolate fountain for hours and eat her weight in cupcakes. Before EVERY birthday party we have a long conversation about proper etiquette and exactly how many cupcakes/cookies/slices of cake are appropriate. 

4. Art

She just loves to create. Every night I find a stack of projects on my bedside table and desk. She can spend all day coloring, cutting, glueing and designing. She draws the most A-MAZ-ING animal pictures. She makes this crafty mama so proud!

5. Animals

Big or small, scaly or furry, cuddly or jumpy, Lo likes them all. She wants to be a veterinarian and work at the zoo when she gets older. She loves her stuffed animals and always collects two of each so that she can have a mommy and a baby. 

6. Her sister

They play, they fight. They cuddle, they laugh. They love each other so much!

Happy 6th birthday to my Noodle! You make me laugh (at times you make me cry), you have a huge heart and are more like me than either one of us will ever want to admit. I'm so incredibly proud of you and love you with all my heart!

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