
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Turkey Lurkey Loo

This weekend we got to work on a fun family project for Lo's class. Each child was given a blank turkey. The instructions were to decorate it, as a family, in way you'd like. You could use any materials except food. The perfect project for our crafty family!

Since the turkey was for Lo's class she was our "project manager." She was in charge of the design and chose the materials and color scheme. We were able to give suggestions, but ultimately the decision was up to Lo. We took a quick trip to Michael's to get a few crafty bits and got down to work. We were each given a specific job from Lo. Daddy and Noa colored and I was the official hot-guler!

I love our little turkey lurkey loo! We decided to make him a Thankful Turkey and cut out paper feathers. We each talked out what we were thankful for and Lo wrote it down on the feather. It was a great experience for all of us and a super fun family activity.

Have a fab-u-lous Wednesday!

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