
Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Soup-er Necessary Kitchen Gadget

I'm sure you all already know how much I love soup! I even dedicated a whole week to one of my favorite meals. There's nothing better than getting a belly full of yummy, delicious, fresh ingredients on a chilly day.

When I'm in a soup makin' mood my immersion blender is my go-to gadget that I can't live without!
You can find them pretty much anywhere and you can get them for under $30. My original immersion blender was purchased at a friend's yard sale for $5. It finally died on me and it's replacement arrived yesterday and will be put to work tonight!

So what's an immersion blender for? I use my primarily to make creamy soups. It helps me avoid having to use a blender and saves me dish washing time. You can also use them for making tomato sauce, mashed potatoes, baby food, applesauce, smoothies...pretty much anything you wanted blended.  Some of the fancier models comes with various attachments, but I just stick to the standard model. As an added bonus they're pretty small so they don't take up a lot of storage space.

I'm trying a new crock pot soup recipe tonight and if it's a keeper I'll be sharing it tomorrow!

What are your go-to kitchen gadgets? Shout 'em out-we'd love to hear them!!!

1 comment:

  1. Food processors or even better the Best Buy Hand Blender - my mum has been using them for almost two decades now and thinks it's an extremely brilliant invention.
