
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Apples, Apples, Apples

Today we got to enjoy one of our favorite fall activities-APPLE PICKING!!! There is a wonderful orchard not too far from our house where we can pick our own apples, play around in the hay and enjoy some quality family time. This year's trip didn't disappoint. The girls were really into it...I have 21 pounds of apples to prove it!

We have big plans for this year's crop:

  • homemade applesauce in the crock-pot (I've never make it like that before I'll keep you posted!)
  • carmel apple bars
  • apple crisp/crumble
  • baked apples
  • LOTS of apple snacks!
Feel free to throw more ideas my way...we've got A LOT of apples...

Even before I started blogging I've always taken tons of pictures of the girls. I think it's fun to look back on the previous years and see how much they've changed. Here a few pictures from 2009 and 2008 (we didn't pick apples last year). The look like such babies! So chubby and cute!

And from this favorite picture of the day!

Since we went on a weekend this year daddy got to join us too! It's always nice to have someone with long arms to help reach the apples way at the top!

As you know we've moved around a bit in the past ten years. While I love each new place and the adventures it hold, there is always something that I miss: The perfect weather and beaches of California, the busy city life and delicious food of Boston. If we ever leave Indy I know I'll miss the beauty of the country and farms nearby. I love that they are never too far away.

These are my two favorite "scenic" shots of the day:

Have a wonderful weekend and thank you so much for checking in!!!


  1. We went apple picking as well and I've been blogging about it. 16 pounds!!! 8 pounds each. Apple pie, dried apples and apple curry. Beautiful photos!!

  2. It's Tuttle Orchards in Greenfield. You can check out their website for direction, hours and activities. They have something fun going on pretty much all year long.
