
Friday, September 16, 2011

Lo's New Desk (another great Goodwill find!)

Check out this amazing desk I picked up for Lo awhile back at Goodwill.
It had been sitting there for weeks, priced at $30. Not bad for a desk, but you know me, I like my Goodwill finds CHEAP. Lucky for me it was still there on 50%-off Saturday and I picked it up for the sweet price of $15!!! YAY me!

It was pretty banged up but it always helps to look past all the scratches and dents.
I knew with a few (or many) coats of spray paint it could be beau-T-ful!
I have to admit, I was extremely nervous about taking the desk apart. I was clear it was put together many years ago and I was worried I wouldn't be able to get it back together. Surprisingly it was easy to take apart (and equally easy to put it back together...phew!).

I started by cleaning it really good with steel wool. No joke, I had to chisel off REALLY old gum (so gross!).

I covered the little feet with foil and the metal stripe with tape so they wouldn't get spray paint on them.
Then everything got a few coats of primer.

Lo picked out a pale yellow and pink. The whole desk got many, many, many thin coats of paint. I think I went through a can of each. Once everything was dry I covered the whole desk with a clear, shiny coat of lacquer. While I let everything cure I headed to the hardware store with my bag of old nuts, bolts and screws so that I could find new bright and shiny replacements.

I grabbed by electric drill and put everything back together.

No more scratches or worn off paint!
The perfect "new" desk for Lo's room...pretty, pink and girlie!
I can't wait to get it into her room so she can start using it!!!

Make sure you check back next week to see her "new" chair!

Have a fantastic Friday and thanks for stopping by!!!

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