
Sunday, September 4, 2011

My Morse Mini Stats (in case you're interested)

So I think I have finally recovered from yesterdays race. It really took a lot out of me. I was extremely dehydrated and felt hung over all day (without the fun of drinking the night before). A few gallons of Gatorade, 3 naps and an early night to bed and I'm a new woman. Just in time to start training for my annual 10K in Boston next month! It's one of my favorite races for so many reasons. The best part is that I get to spend all weekend in Boston with great friends. As a bonus I get to eat and drink at all my favorite spots and the weekend ends with an all-women 10K around the Charles River. SO MUCH FUN!

I finally figured out how to get my race stats from yesterday, and I'm super pleased with how I did!

Time: 1:58:09
Pace: 9:01
Over All Placement: 63/162
Women: 7/65
Age Group: 2nd!!! (out of 15)

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