
Monday, September 5, 2011

Make Over Your Monday

Happy Labor Day!

How did you do last week? Did you leave a trail of sticky notes? We decided to celebrate new readers. Before we returned our library books we put a few sticky notes at the end of some beginning reader books. They said things like "Great reading! Keep up the good work!" and "Wow! You read the whole book-good job!" I only wish I could see the looks on their faces when they see our notes! If you left any sticky notes I'd love to hear your story!

This week's challenge is easy: Enjoy the last day of summer!

I don't know about you, but Labor Day always seems to symbolize the last day of summer. It's usually a great day to play outside, BBQ and enjoy time with family and friends. Apparently this year Mother Nature didn't the memo. It's only going to be in the 60s today. Not the pool weather the girls and I were hoping for (It is however the PERFECT weather for spray painting!!!), but it's definitely getting us excited for fall. I've been asked at least a million times "When can we go apple picking?" and "When can we jump in a pile of leaves?"

Come on Fall, we're ready for you!

Whether you are celebrating the last day of summer or the beginning of fall, I hope you have fabulous day!

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