
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dollar-Bin Tray Up-cycling

I got this cute little tray from the dollar bin at Target last Easter. I've been holding onto it waiting to be inspired.
Finally inspiration hit! I thought it would be fun to try out my new Martha terra cotta paintable finish.
It comes in different colors, but I like that I can paint it whatever color I want. It goes on very easily. You just need to make sure you put on a thick coat to get a nice texture. Once it was dry I painted the tray with my Martha metallic finish in coffee. Since I was planning on lining the inside I only needed to paint the outside.
Since I didn't want it to scratch my "new" bedside table, I put felt protectors on each corner.
Lining the inside was super easy. First I cut a piece of card-stock the same size of the tray and my fabric slightly larger than the card-stock.
Using my iron, I folded the fabric over and pressed it flat.
Then I just used packing tape to attach the fabric to the card-stock (of course you could hot glue it, but the taped worked just fine).

Once everything was secure I put it inside the tray. I even used tape rolls to attached it to the tray.
LOVE it!
Personally I think it looks FAB-U-LOUS!


  1. I love this table with the tray such a cute look!

  2. Your tray is the perfect accent! I'm your neweat follower-stop by for a visit!
