
Monday, August 8, 2011

Make Over Your Monday

Happy Monday!

How did your week go? Did you find time to try a few new things? I was able to make curtains for the first time and try some new recipes. I'm very happy with all I accomplished!

This week's challenge was inspired by a trip to the market yesterday. I was doing my shopping when I overheard a woman compliment another woman (a total stranger) on her beautiful smile. It was so wonderful to hear! You know that it made her day. I'd like to think it had a sort of ripple effect and she complimented someone else...and then they complimented someone...and so on.

So this week let's spread some happiness and give a compliment (or two) to someone you don't know.

Have a wonderful week and I can't wait to hear all about the compliments you give and receive!!!

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