
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Something For Me

I'm not a big fan of making clothes for myself. I'm a sewer, not a seamstress. I can barely read a pattern that does not come to me in pdf, I have no idea how to take in things that are too big and I spend A LOT of time googling sewing terms and asking crafty friends for help.

I prefer making things for my girls. Their clothes don't have to be perfect. They don't care if they are too baggy or not exactly the most flattering fit. They love that Mommy made them and that is enough for them.

When I came across {THIS} dress tutorial from Kojodesigns I knew I had to give it a try. I had the perfect fabric already washed and ready to go!

I was very pleased with the results!

As far as tutorials go, this one is not very detailed. You need to have a basic understanding of sewing terms and skills, but I think even a novice sewer could make it. You need to make darts. I had never done that before, but thanks to google and the internet my first attempt at making them was a success. The dress in the tutorial is also lined. I could NOT for the life of me figure out how to attach it. In the end I just omitted it completely. My fabric wasn't sheer so it wasn't necessary. If anyone figures out the lining part PLEASE send your help my way. Dana's flat front pant tutorial at MADE is also very helpful in the making of this dress. Her tutorial was very detailed and easy to follow.

What do you think?
You like?
A few Spin Pins in my hair and I'm ready to go!
It's inspired me to try making a few other things for myself...maybe I'm more than a sewer after all!

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