
Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Birthday 4th Of July

We had the best 3rd of July ever...or as Noa has been calling it...we had the best 4th of July Birthday Party ever!!! When you are three you think any gathering that involves cupcakes is a birthday party!

My friend sent her hubby to the store for a slip 'n slide and this is what he came home with (I told her next time to send him out for diamonds!). It was quite the hit with the kids!
Logan was a little timid at first but Noa jumped right in!

Logan had more fun squirting the kids as they came down.
Eventually she decided to give it a try.

What do ya know...she liked it!!!

There was coloring on the deck too.

There was also lots of de-lish food!

 Can someone please get me a napkin?

You can only imagine the fireworks display picked out by the same person who purchased the Rolls Royce of Slip n' Slides.

It was amazing!

And apparently too loud...
It was such a wonderful day! The girls and grown-ups had a blast! Little NoJo wore herself out and was asleep before we pulled out of the driveway.

**Make Over Your Monday will return next week. That gives you an extra 7 days to work on last week's challenge**

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