
Friday, May 6, 2011

5 Things On Friday That Make Me Smile

1. Tomorrow me and 35,000 of my closet friends will be running 13.1 miles through downtown Indy. It's the first race of the season and I'm starting to get excited. Right now the forecast is for rain so we are keeping our fingers crossed that the thunder and lightening stay away!

2. This weekend is Mother's Day and here in Indy that means it's plantin' time!!! We are so excited to get all our veggies and herbs in the ground and to use our new garden markers.

3. Pretzel bagels are back at Einstein!!! I seriously had tears of joy when I hear the news...and just in time for carb-loading (see #1). When they took them off the menu a few months ago I was so distraught that the guy working at Einstein gave me the number to their corporate office to "encourage" them to bring them back! I guess my campaign was successful!!!

4. My fascinator has arrived and I LOVE it!!! I have a great benefit next weekend for the Megan S. Ott Foundation. It's the perfect place for it's "debut."

5. My wonderful neighbor came by last night and planted these for me! Such a great way to welcome spring and so very thoughtful!

1 comment:

  1. i think i will try this recipe as it tastes very delicious and plus it is helathy asyou only need to bake it.
    Jayme Silvestri
