
Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Legacy Continues

Around these parts something wonderful happens when you turn's the magical age where you get to take horseback riding lessons.

Please meet the newest cowgirl in Indy. Like her two older cousins and her grandma, she is now a member of horse riding gals!
She had her very first lesson and she was in heaven!

She totally looked the part too! You know, part of the fun is getting dressed up (...and getting to look like Taylor Swift of course!).

She gets to take her lessons with her friend Grace. They spent the first half about learning safety, grooming, the names of all the equipment.

The second half was the real fun...the riding!!!
She was very timid at first, but by the end she was much more relaxed. Please note the intense concentration and her death-grip on the reins!
After riding the girls got to brush the horse again, give her a treat and climb up to the hay loft. I doubt there are two happier girls in this world right now!

...and how did my little monkey handle watching her big sis ride while she waited on the sidelines??? Totally in style of course!
...and you can bet on her 5th birthday she will be demanding lessons!

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