
Thursday, February 14, 2013

LoLa's Secret Secondaries: Mixing the Rainbow

One of the perks of being in first grade at Lo's school is that you can join one of the many clubs. Lo eagerly joined Science Club at the beginning of the school year and for the past 5 months has been working hard on her science fair project. It's been a LONG process for the whole family and last night it was finally time for the big event.

Lo had wanted to do her project on something art related. She had a lot of fun at one of Noa's school events mixing different colors of water and was hoping to incorporate something similar into her project. The experiment she decided on was to see if you got the same colors when you mixed the primary colors of light in paint, watercolors and light.

The final presentation was pretty involved for a 1st grader. First, EVERYTHING had to be typed. While the hubby and I wanted her to do most of the project on her own, we agreed that making her type everything would just take way too long so we helped her with that part. In addition to her tri-fold poster board she needed a typed report, an abstract and part of the judging included an oral presentation. She worked VERY hard and the hubby and I are so proud of her.
Woo hoo! Participation ribbon!!!
Before the science fair started the participants met with the judges and explained their project and answered any questions they had. This was the part that made Lo the most nervous. She practiced all week and by the end she could do the whole presentation without looking at her board. The best part was that SHE was so proud of herself.

After the judging everyone got to walk around and look at all the other projects. There were so many amazing projects and I learned a lot. All the kids worked so hard and they were all so eager to share their learning. Logan went around with her notepad and pen and took notes on all the projects she liked.
After the science fair they had had an awards ceremony. In addition to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Honorable Mention they had other categories for each grade too. They gave out awards for Best Title, Math, Chemistry and Most Creative.

We are SO PROUD to announce that Lo won not one, but two awards!!! First she was given the Most Creative award (You know this crafty mama was beaming when they called her name for that one!). She was beyond excited. She had a huge ear-to-ear grin when she went up to accept her certificate!
She also was given the Honorable Mention Award. That means if any of the top 1st grade winners cannot attend the county science fair she will get to attend and present her project. Again, nothing but HUGE smiles from her.
She just kept saying, "I can't believe I did it! I did it Mommy!"

There's nothing better than your child feeling so good about their accomplishments.
To celebrate a job well done we all went out for Mexican food, Lo's most favorite.
....and all night, the smiles just kept on coming!

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