
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Family Movie Night

Last night NoJo's school had a Family Movie Night. The hubs was on his way home from a business trip so I took the kids and we had a lot of fun. The theme was the circus which is always a kid favorite. They had carnival games, face painting, popcorn and cotton candy and then they showed the movie Dumbo ( of my least favorites...I have a aversion to any movie about animals and Dumbo may be one of the worst ones. Lucky for me it's a short movie so I survived, but it was REALLY hard!). The line for face painting was pretty long and the girls didn't want to wait so they spent most of their time running around and playing the games. They were exhausted when we got home which was an added bonus, everyone was so ready for bed and fell quickly asleep! GG was there too and is getting much harder to contain. He did NOT want to be in his stroller and I spent most to the movie bouncing him and keeping him entertained. It was a super fun evening and the perfect way to end a pretty hectic week!

 Noa couldn't wait to show us the clown her class made together.

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