
Thursday, December 13, 2012

American Girl Doll Extravaganza 2012

The day the girls had been waiting 8 months for had FINALLY arrived! Our trip to Chicago to visit the American Girl Doll Store. 
Earlier this year the girls decided that instead of birthday parties they wanted American Girl Dolls. The deal we all agreed on was that Mommy and Daddy would buy the dolls and the girls would have to save their allowance to buy any accessories they wanted (we also asked the grandparents for AG gift cards this year instead of presents). Both girls saved $60 each. I'm so proud of them. Any money they got this year went straight into their jars, they were determined to get what they wanted!!! They would sit with the catalog and a calculator and figure out what they could get with their money. It was a great lesson in saving and making choices. Each time this year they wanted something they had to decided whether is was worth taking money from the American Girl Doll jar to get it. 

We decided to make it a two day event. Thanks to Daddy's traveling and hotel points we were able to get a hotel room within walking distance of the store and most importantly, it had a pool! As soon as we made it to Chicago we headed straight to the store. If you haven't been there there place is AMAZING! Rows and rows of dolls and fun accessories and the staff is so helpful and knowledgable about the dolls. The hubby said it reminded him of Disney and he was so right. It's not just a store, it's an experience!

This year Noa has asked Santa for a "flute tiny" (not to be confused with a tiny flute)...she was so excited to find it at the store!!!
Both girls knew EXACTLY which doll they wanted. Noa was set on Molly and Logan picked Ivy. 
I love the HUGE smiles on their faces!

 Welcome to the family Molly and Ivy!!!
For dinner the girls wanted spaghetti. Mommy and Daddy really didn't plan or think that it may be hard to find a place to eat on a Saturday night in the city. We found a great Italian only had a 90 minute wait! Luckily the girls found this great little nook where they could sit and play with their dolls. It was the only place to sit and it was a lifesaver. 
This what a 5 year looks like after waiting an hour and a half for dinner...

Happy Birthday cheers!
I love how the girls get all shy when the birthday celebration begins.

Someone certainly perks up when the dessert arrives...

The night ended with a few presents...matching PJs for the girls and their dolls, little trays of "food" and of course everyone, even AG Dolls, needs their own iPhone!

Day 2 included more shopping and a birthday celebration in the American Girl Doll Cafe.
Grandma was so generous and treated the family to the Deluxe Birthday celebration. Each girl and doll got a birthday hat and a goodie bag filled with treats. The food was really good and the dolls got to sit in special "treat seats" that attached to the table. It was the perfect way to end the weekend extravaganza!

Again more "shyness" when the birthday cake arrives...

It was a quick, but fun and memorable weekend. Something that we will all remember!
 Thanks for checking in!

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