
Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Family Picture (FINALLY)!!!

If you've been following me for awhile you've probably noticed that I'm not a big fan of being in-front of the camera. My friends joke about my "Facebook approval process" for posting pictures of me. We don't need to go into my personal neurosis, but clearly I like to be in control and BEHIND the camera. 

Since it has been over 4 years since we had professional family pics taken and 2 years since we had one of all of us that I deemed "hang worthy," I declared that we needed a new family picture!

This weekend we all headed to the pumpkin patch and I was determined to get a decent family picture. Not an easy task with our bunch...G can barely hold up his own head so getting him to look at the camera is near impossible. Noa is in that weird pose phase and no matter what, Nate always seems to have his eyes closed (hence his sunglasses) . 

It's always a little bit awkward asking a stranger to take your picture...You want to give them some direction, but not too much...and how many pictures is it acceptable to ask them to take? The spot we selected for the family pic was VERY popular. Not only was it the only place without sunlight (so no shadows on faces) but it had a huge red tractor that every kid in the patch was drawn to. The line was long. We waited our turn. There was a dad with older children ahead of us. I politely asked him if he'd like us to take a picture of him with his kids (hoping he'd return the favor, which of course he did). I could tell he was my guy because he was taking his time, making sure his kids were in the right position and wanted to get the right shot. He got a few good ones of us and what do you know! We're ALL looking at the camera!  WOO HOO!!!

So here's where you come in...which picture do you like better? I've been playing around with my editing software and came up with the two versions below. I like each one for different reasons and we're having a little trouble deciding which one we want to have printed. Tell me what you think! Seriously, I want to know!!!

Take 1
Take 2


  1. I like take 1 better!!!! Both look good though. I hope you enjoyed the pumpkin patch. See ya Saturday!

  2. I like the first one better--the colors stand out in a good way--especially the red tractor..they seem to.get lost in the second photo...either way, nice photo! I can't wait to get one of us one of these years...
