
Thursday, September 6, 2012

I'm Back, Back From Cali, Cali

Hi there! Did you miss me??? G and I got to take a little mini vacation to Cali, just the two of us. My nephew was born six weeks before G and I wanted to get in my snuggles before he got too big. 

Guess what? 

Too late!
I love this picture of the two of them. It's so funny if you know that they are pretty close in age!
G also got to spend some time with his Uncle Ryan and Auntie Mel. We miss them so much and wish they we all lived closer together!
Ryan and Mel took me to a fab-u-lous restaurant in Long Beach, Schooner Or Later. It's right on the water and it has the most amazing Bloody Marys. I've added it to my list of restaurants that I have to visit whenever I'm in Cali.
I also have two wonderful friends that changed their plans last minute, got sitters and drove in crazy traffic just to see me. I love that even though it has been months (sometimes years) since we've all been in the same place together, we just pick up where we left off. Lots of drinks, lots of laughs and lots of love!
...and now I'm back to reality. Back to laundry, dinner and dishes and running here and there. Noa started school this week so G and I have a few days each week just the two of us. I have lots of crafty plans...I hope G's on board! 

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