
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The First Day of First Grade

Even though I've been counting down the days to this moment, I'm sad it's finally here. Sure I'm looking forward to a little more quiet, less screaming, running and door slamming, but with that leaves all the giggles, "I love yous" and snuggles I've received all summer! 

Today Lo starts first grade! She was a little hesitant a few weeks ago, but we went to the Ice Cream Social earlier this week and she got to see who was in her class and meet her teacher and now she is definitely excited. The most exciting thing? Her class is RIGHT next to the cafeteria-it's always about the food-that's my girl!
Need to catch up on your Lo trivia? Here's an excerpt from a recent interview: 
  • Favorite Color: White
  • Favorite TV Show: Doc McStuffins
  • What do you want to be when you grow up?: Veterinarian or Zoo Keeper
  • Favorite Food: Nutella on bread
  • Best part of summer: G being born
  • What are you looking forward to most at school?: Science (She is extremely excited about science and that makes this mama so happy!)
Although I'm sure she's a little bit sad to lose her playmate, Noa is also VERY excited for Lo to have school! She's been counting down the days too! Two days a week she gets me and the house to herself! She gets to play what she wants to play, watch what she wants to watch and there won't be anyone to boss her around "influence" her decisions. For our first "Noa and Mommy (and GG) Day" she has requested shoe shopping and Mexican food for lunch. I can't think of anything better!

This year I can honestly say there were no tears at or after the bus stop. My "baby" is growing up, but I'm so proud of her that I can't be sad!

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