
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My Blog-ternity Leave Is Over

Happy August! Where has summer gone?!?! It's hard to believe that school starts for Lo in 15 days!!! We are starting to get into our grove. G is a good baby, but even good babies have their moments and our mantra for the summer has been flexibility. The biggest obstacle has been this RIDICULOUS heat and the lack of rain. Most days it's been too hot for G to be outside and since we've had very little rain this summer we are on a water restriction which means no sprinkler fun at our house-boo! We did get to make it to the pool and splash park a few times, but the library, $1 movies and trips to Target is what is keeping us cool (and sane) on the super hot days!

Both girls have had the opportunity to go to various camps. Lo spent a week at Girl Scout camp and even had her first overnight experience. She also was lucky to spend 2 weeks at horse camp (thanks Grandma!) which she absolutely loved!!! Noa's camps started this week and she feels like such a big girl going to camp and bringing her lunch. 

Nate's travel has slowed down a lot this summer so we've actually had quite a bit of family time. Last weekend we FINALLY had a cool down and we took the opportunity to take the kids to the park. It also gave me a chance to use the new camera. We had a wonderful afternoon and I was able to get some great shots of the family. It's hard to believe that summer is almost over and fall is on it's way, but I'm looking forward to the cool-down, school starting and scarves and boots!!!

Thanks to everyone for their support and patience while I have been on my Blog-ternity leave! I'm looking forward to getting crafty again and sharing all our fun experiences with you!

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