
Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday Favorites-The Running Edition

I don't know if ya all noticed, but my mileage counter has been going up! This week started my training for the Indy Monumental Half Marathon. To be honest it feels a bit weird to be starting my running at the end of the running season, but it feels so great to be hitting the pavement again. It's hard to believe that it's been almost a year since my last race. In addition to the Monumental I have my annual Tufts 10K in Boston this October, a 5K Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving and I'm hoping for a 8 or 10 mile race in December to finish out the season. I still have no desire to run a full, but the Flying Pig Marathon in Cincinnati is offering something new next year. They have a 3-way where you run a 5K, a 10K and a half in two days. I'm trying to convince the hubby to forgo the Indy Mini Marathon (since it's on the same day as the Flying Pig) and do the 3-way with me instead (insert inappropriate comment here). He has run the Mini every year we've lived here in Indy and he wants to continue the tradition. I'm all about my race bling and REALLY want the extra medal and the bragging rights that comes with doing three races in two days! We're still in the "negotiating" stages, but regardless of what race(s) we do, it's sure to be fun!

Today I'm sharing what I consider my running necessities. The great thing about running is that you don't need a lot of equipment, but if you want some fun accessories they're out there for you too. 

A Training Schedule
There certainly are a lot out there and you need to find the one that suits your needs. There are schedules that have you run 5 or 6 days a week. The hubby found a few for the busy crew that have you running only 4 days a week. Generally the less days you run, the higher the daily mileage. My new favorite is Hal Higdon. What I like most about it is that the daily runs aren't always mileage based. Some days, he's like, "run for 30 minutes at your 5K pace" and for me that works. Especially if I need to run on my treadmill. I can set the time and go, no need to keep checking the display to see how far I've run. For beginners the Couch Potato To 5K is very popular and eases you into a running program. Most programs run about 12 weeks long (full marathon training is typically longer) so you need to plan accordingly. 

I've been wanting one of these babies for a VERY long time, but they can be pricey. I was lucky to come across someone who was selling a new one for a RIDICUlOUSLY low price-YAY me! Carrying water has become my nemesis of running. I hate water belts and carrying a bottle in my hand gets so cumbersome. This wonderful invention is a great little backpack with a reservoir inside to hold water and a little straw that sits on your shoulder for when you need it. They're not just for running, Camelpak makes various sizes and shapes for other sports such as hiking and biking. 

I love this app. It helps keep track of my calories, my exercise and my weight. I've used it for a long time and recently they added a barcode scanner which is FAB-U-LOUS! I just scan the food barcode with my phone and it instantly adds it to my food log. So easy (and fun!). You can also log-in online and it will give all sorts of reports and things, but I don't usually do that. The app does all I need.

I've mentioned her before, she's my baby and I L-O-V-E, love her. She tells me how fast I am going and how far I've gone. Since adding her to my running gear I have increased my pace by almost 2 full minutes and I give her all the credit.

Daily Mile

I use Daily Mile as the primary place where I log all my miles. Not only does it give me the fancy-schmancy button counter on my blog, but it has an awesome route maker. I can put in my address and with a few clicks map out my run. It saves all my routes too making it super easy to keep track of all my miles.

Those are a few of my running "must haves" you have any of your own? Shout 'em out! I'm always looking to try new things! The weather is going to be perfect this weekend for running. I can't wait to get out there!

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