
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Check Ups and Haircuts

Yesterday was G's 2 month check up. He did great and according to our pediatrician, he is perfect! He's a great eater and one of our best sleepers yet! He's definitely a snuggle-bug and is never lacking in hugs and kisses from his sisters.

His Stats
Weight 9lbs, 8oz
Length: 22.5 in

Smiling on purpose
Eye contact (he especially likes to look at Daddy's face and ceiling fans)

His pacifier
Being held
Snuggling with his sisters
When Daddy whistles
Bath time

When his pacifier falls out
When you put him down
Sleeping in his crib
Having a dirty diaper

After G's check-up the girls and I headed over to JC Penny for FREE haircuts. Did you know they do free kids haircuts the month of August?!?!? Such a great deal! The girls love getting their hair cut. I think it makes them feel so grown up. Each had their own stylist so Logan went off on her own, chatting away. She's just growing up so fast!
Her stylist used the phrase "PLEASE hold still sweetie" about a billion times. I'm surprised her hair actually came out straight. 
Lo did not stop talking from the time she sat down until the end of her haircut. At one point Lo actually said, "I really like to talk a lot!"
Both girls we so happy with their new dos and I'm glad to have another thing check-off on our back to school to-do list!

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