
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Leaving a Kindergartener & Coming Home A First Grader!

It's hard to believe that it's been 10 months since, with tears in my eyes, I sent Lo on her first school bus ride to kindergarten.
I am AMAZED by how much she has learned and grown in those 10 months.

This past school year was full of so many accomplishments and firsts for Lo. Her daddy and I couldn't be more proud of her!

Just a few of her MANY accomplishments:
  • Jumping rope
  • Hula hooping
  • Tying her shoes
  • Losing her first tooth
  • She became an A-MAZ-ING reader and L-O-V-E, loves her books. Nothing makes me more proud than to see her with her nose in a book!
  • Pumping on the swings
  • She knows "Down By The Banks", how to make "cootie catchers" and has about a million keychains attached to her backpack - I love that somethings haven't changed since I was her age!
  • Attended her first school dance
  • Jumped right in and made some great friends!
  • Had her first "Field Day"
It just makes me so proud that she enjoys learning and school so much! She actually cried when it was time for summer break, but I'm looking forward to a summer with these two beautiful faces!

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