
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Back On Track and Make Over Your Monday

As you know, our newest addition arrived 5 weeks early. Like his sisters before him, he just couldn't wait to be part of the family. Despite being the earliest of the three, he was the biggest at 6lbs, 3oz. 

After 7 days, 2 hours and 25 minutes Lil' G was finally released from the hospital. It was the best gift ever! I went in that day thinking we had at least 5 more days before he'd be discharged and was beyond excited when the nurse practitioner asked me if I was ready to go home. I know we are so lucky, in regards to premies Lil' G was not really all that sick. We knew that what he needed most was time and we just had to be patient. Now we have the whole family under one roof and we couldn't be happier. He's a great baby and and luckily he doesn't mind be smothered because his sisters can't keep their hands off him! 
So now it's Monday and we are all getting back on track. Daddy's going back to work and Mommy is taking back the house! We are getting back to our regular schedules and gettin' things in order. This week I'll be sharing all the things I had planned for the last two weeks. We'll be visiting the last few days of school, the start of our summer break and a few furniture projects I finished before the baby's arrival. Thank you all for being patient and understanding as we took some time off. I have no idea how the next few months will go, but I'm hoping to share a few sewing project I've been planning and you know I've got a whole nursery to decorate! Now that we've got a little man in the house there is a whole new world of craftiness out there to explore!

Make Over Your Monday:
For anyone who is new to Hanging On By A Thread, Make Over Your Monday is a way to restart and refresh the Monday blahs. Each Monday I will pose a challenge for the week and we can post how we did on the previous week's challenge.

Our last challenge (a few week's ago) was to do some spring cleaning. Did you get organized and clean? I should have known that the baby was on it's way because I did some serious cleaning and organizing in our kitchen. I went through all our kitchen drawers and cupboards and got rid of all the random papers, take-out menus and packets of parmesan cheese and soy sauce. All the drawers were emptied and washed out. I looks so pur-dy now! We even FINALLY got our flowers planted (a previous Make Over Your Monday challenge that we kept putting off!!!). Our patio and front porch no longer look so boring!

This week's challenge is to clean out your closets and donate to a shelter or family in need.

The inspiration for today's challenge came from a local apartment complex that caught fire yesterday and now at least 6 families have lost their home and everything in it. Luckily everyone involved is safe. Later today the girls and I will be going through our closets finding things that we can donate. It will be a great project for the girls and I to do together. We often talk about helping others in need and it will be a great way for them to put all our discussions into practice.

Have a wonderful week and thanks for checking in,

**Anyone in my area who wants to donate to the fire victims please let me know. I can email you the list of ages and sizes needed for the families. If you're relatively close I'd be happy to pick up your donations. Please email me at: for more information**

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