
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

DIY Chalk Paint

You might remember that a few weeks ago our "Make Over Your Monday" challenge was to try something new. Well....yesterday I finally was able to complete my challenge. 

I turned this ugly, FREE chair...
Into this beauty...
I used homemade chalk paint (not to be confused with chalkboard paint) and it may just be my new favorite thing! It's super easy to make and takes very little in way of supplies. You know how much I love my Annie Sloan wax, but did you know she makes paint too? I've never used it before, but it's almost impossible to read any refurbishing blog with out her name coming up. From what I've been told it goes on smooth and the finish is amazing. The only problem is the price. With this fab-u-lous recipe, courtesy of Classy Clutter, you can make your own chalk paint, in any color you'd like, for around $10 a quart. Most sample sizes are flat paint so you can save even more money for your smaller projects.

You only need three things:
  1. flat latex paint
  2. water
  3. un-sanded/non-sanded tile grout
I found my grout at Home Depot. It was only $5 for this box and it will last me for forever! If you have a crafty, refurbishing friend you could even share a box. You only need a tablespoon for every cup of paint.
The "Recipe"
Mix 1 tablespoon of non-sanded grout with 1 cup of flat paint. As recommended by Classy Clutter, I mixed my grout with a little water before adding to the paint. A little paint goes a LONG way so I'd recommend only mixing 1 cup of paint at a time. With one cup of paint I was able to cover 2 coats on the chair, two coats on two separate shelves, and one coat on 6 dresser drawers. The paint is pretty thick and dries quickly so you want to make sure you smooth out any drips as soon as you notice them. 

The Review
I totally love this paint! It goes on so easily and fast. You don't need to prime which is a HUGE time saver and it goes on smoothly with a brush, no roller needed. It also distresses beautifully! The distressed edges are smooth rather than rough. I sealed my piece with my beloved Annie Sloan wax and ended up with a perfect piece. 

Mommy and kid approved!

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