
Monday, April 23, 2012

Weekend Wrap-Up & Make Over Your Monday

Phew! What a BIZ-ZEE weekend! It flew by and boy am I exhausted! 

We had lots of excitement around here this weekend. The most exciting news is that we added a new member to our family! No, not our baby (I've got at least another 5 weeks!), but a new baby cousin! My brother and his fiance welcomed their first baby into the world VERY early Sunday morning. They didn't know what they were having so it was so fun guessing and waiting to hear the news! Noa and I thought they would have a girl and Nate and Lo thought it would be a boy. Logan had decided that if it was a girl they should name her Peyton "Manny" and if it was a boy Justin Bieber. 

We'd like to introduce you to Jaxon Owen! 
I can't wait to get my hands on those chubby little cheeks!

Lo and I also got to spend some special time together this weekend. It was the Annual Mother-Daughter Tea for Girl Scouts. We had a great time. She was so excited to drink "real" tea and there were tons of yummy treats for us to nibble on. We even got to do a few crafts and the girls wore boas and did a fashion show. We even color-cordinated our outfits.

Sunday was the day of painting. I have not 1, not 2, but 3 pieces of furniture that I'm in the process of refinishing. I think every time I pulled my van into the driveway the hubby held his breath waiting to see what I had inside for him to move. I can't wait to show you the finished products! Fingers crossed I get them done this week. I need my parking space in the garage and my dining room back-both have been taken over with furniture!

...and for Make Over Your Monday...

How did you do on last week's challenge? Did you try something new? I'm still in the process of my new crafty project. I'm making my own chalk paint and I can't wait to try it out! I bought all the supplies yesterday and as soon as I get the two huge pieces of furniture finished and out of my dining room I can start on the chalk paint piece.

This week's challenge is to give a compliment (or two).  Letting someone know that you appreciate, notice and acknowledge them can make their day (and your's) so much brighter!

Have a wonderful start to your week!

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