
Monday, April 9, 2012

Make Over Your Monday

Well HELLLOOOO there! I hope you enjoyed your week. We sure did. We had a WONDERFUL vacation visiting family and friends in California. I'm a Cali Girl. Born and raised. They hubby and moved away from the gorgeousness and sunshine 12 years ago (*gasp* that seems like forever ago!) and it's always great to go back home. The girls love it too. They got to see their family they miss so much, eat at all Mommy and Daddy's favorite restaurants (sometimes twice!),  and we even snuck away for a few days  of fun at Disneyland. It was a dream vacation and it totally and completely wiped this pregnant mama out, but it was completely worth it! I look forward to sharing some of our Cali time with you later this week.

So how did you do on our last challenge? Did you "let things go?" I have to say I was really good with this one. It was extremely hard for me to take a week off from blogging, but our family time was more important. They hubby stuck to his work too and did very little work while we were gone.

This week's challenge is to plant some flowers. I was amazed at how green and overgrown our yard looked when we returned. Our porch and flower pots are looking boring. It's time to brighten them up with beautiful flowers. Get the kids involved too! They'll love helping you pick out flowers and getting dirty planting them!
Have a wonderful week and thanks for being so patient during our break for spring!

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