
Friday, March 23, 2012

The Yellow Room Breakdown Day 6-Desk, Chair and Art Wall

So we've finally reached the end of our journey. Coincidentally the last part of the breakdown is the area that I finished last. 
I had quite a hard time finding a desk for the room, but after searching for several months I found the perfect fit. It just happened to be the first Saturday of the month which meant it was 50%-SCORE! A new desk for $12. That was just my price range. 
 Noa loved the cute little mirror.
As usual, the whole piece got primed with Zinsser and then a few coats of Behr's Fairest Of Them All.
Because the base color was white it was a little bit more difficult to distress. When I sanded down the edges you couldn't even tell. No worries! I used my Myland's antique wax on the sanded areas which made it easier to see.

The drawer pulls were purchased at Hobby Lobby for $2 each (at 50% off). I had originally bought them to use on Lo's desk, but they matched perfectly. I guess I'll be making another trip!
The base of the desk was sealed with Annie Sloan clear wax. The top of the desk got a few coats of Minwax Polycrylic. I wanted to make sure that it could be wiped down and not get all scratched.

I love the chair. You may remember that I found it for FREE months and months ago on Craigslist. It is a nice solid piece. Of course the seat was gross, but that's an easy fix!
I used my new favorite no-name mistake paint from Home Depot and sanded down the edges and spindles. I used home decor weight fabric for the seat. It's a heavier fabric which will withstand the activity level of a four-year-old. 

Originally I had planned on putting several different mirrors above the desk area. I had spray painted a few, but I wasn't too happy with the final result. My neighbor suggested the art wall and as soon as she did I knew it was the perfect solution. My girls spend HOURS drawing and creating. My fridge was quickly running out of room. I LOVE that now she has her own place to display her masterpieces. I plan on doing something similar in Lo's room too. The frames are all courtesy of Goodwill (you can get them pretty cheap if you find ones without glass in them). I bought the clips at Mejier. They have a tiny hole in the middle and are hanging on a nail.
The long shelf was only $4 at Goodwill. It was primed, painted, distressed and waxed. It will hold all Noa's art supplies. There is plenty of room for everything she needs leaving her plenty of room on her desk to be creative.
The long board was originally a decorative growth chart from Lo's nursery. 
I taped it off, painted it and added more clips. It's the perfect piece to hang photographs of Noa and her sister.
I still need something for the upper left area, but I need more time for inspiration to hit. I know it'll come to me, but for now the wall make me smile and I am more than pleased with how it all came together.

Thank you so much for joining me on our Yellow Room journey! It was by far one of my most favorite crafty adventures. If you ever have the opportunity to decorate an entire room at once I highly recommend it. It was more fun that I could have ever imagined. So what's next on our list? Once we get the nursery in order we'll be working on transforming the playroom into a family office. More fun for me!

Have a wonderful Friday and a fab-u-lous weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Love what you've done. I may try to recreate something similar above my daughter's desk area. I mentioned it in my blog:
    Thanks for sharing this great idea.
