
Monday, March 26, 2012

Make Over Your Monday

Happy Monday! It's hard to believe that it's the last Monday of March...time is flying by around here!!! I got a lot of things done for the lil' one we're expecting this summer. I did 5 loads of laundry. I kind of forgot how much the tiny ones can accumulate. At least we have lots of onsies, burp cloths and swaddling blankets clean, folded and put away. My next step is to wash all our cloth diapers. That'll probably be another 5 loads! Again, I forgot how much we had!!! Lo and I also put together the crib. It was a great bonding experience for the two of us. She is going to be such a big help when the baby gets here. She is taking her new role as the "biggest sister" very seriously!

How did you do on last week's challenge? I certainly hope you received as many handwritten notes as you sent! 

This week's challenge is one we've used before. I think there are lots of things that we need to be reminded of throughout the year. This week the challenge is to "let it go."
"Letting it go" can mean so many different things...letting the cleaning go for a day and instead taking you kids to the park...letting go of the stress that is weighing on your shoulders...letting your children work out their "problems" on their own before trying to help them...letting go of the need to first, right or perfect.

Have a wonderful last week of March. I know so many of you are on Spring Break or getting ready for it. I hope you have a wonderful time!

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