
Monday, February 20, 2012

Make Over Your Monday

Happy Monday! I have to be honest, it was a LOOOONNNNNGGGG weekend for me. The hubby was gone and the girls had me losing my mind! Good thing I had a little down time with Catching Fire and I'll be heading out first thing this morning to get Mockingjay! I did find a little time to be crafty and I'm gearing up for a busy week!

So how did you do on last week's challenge. I really tried to keep my word in the forefront of my mind. My girls were a real challenge this weekend and sometimes I had other words screaming in my head, but we all survived and ended the weekend on a good note.

This week's challenge is: 
We all know we can't take care of anyone else without first taking care of ourselves. So make sure you do something for yourself this week!

Enjoy your "me time" and thanks for checking in!

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